Mapeo de Inversiones ODS – Paraguay
Análisis del progreso de Paraguay en el cumplimiento de los ODS, enfocado en el área de investigación y desarrollo. Se proponen recomendaciones para impulsar la
SDGPI has delivered its reports advising the Paraguayan government on the country’s current status on each SDG, identifying policies to close existing gaps, and outlining an investment plan to fund those efforts to meet the goals. This process began with extensive monitoring work to establish Paraguay’s first SDG baseline at subnational level, which we then used which we then used to identify priority areas. Together, these analyses and scientific evidence formed the basis for a series of proposed policy and investment plans, as well as a fiscal blueprint to raise the funds for investment. The project culminated in policy proposals drawing on the most recent evidence and expert opinions. These span five critical areas where Paraguay is not on track to meet SDGs: obesity prevalence, teen pregnancy, deforestation, wastewater treatment, and R&D investments.
This project will not only inform domestic policy but also place Paraguay within the international network of countries on a shared path toward the 2030 Agenda. The SDG indicators provide Paraguay a common language from which to learn from other countries and share best practices, advancing reciprocal learning across the world.
In November 2021 SDSN launched the first Sustainable Development Report for Paraguay. The project came out of a year-long collaboration between SDGPI, SDSN, and Paraguay’s Finance Ministry with support from UNDP Paraguay. Read more on the key findings and the full report here.
The report presents an international SDG assessment that compares Paraguay’s performance to its regional peers in Latin America, but also presents a subnational SDG index and Dashboards for the country’s 17 departments and capital district.
Presentation of the Sustainable Development Report for Paraguay 2021, which contains an analysis of the progress of the country’s SDGs, at the national and departmental level.
<< This visual performance metric was created by the SDSN for the annual 2019 World Sustainable Development Report which covers all 193 member states of the UN.
In July 2022, SDGPI and SDSN released policy recommendations focusing on five critical areas needing intervention: obesity prevalence, teen pregnancy, deforestation, wastewater treatment, and R&D investments. In each topic area, these suggestions consider the established baselines from the SDG Report and targets set by the Paraguayan government. To bridge the gaps between the baselines and targets, each set of policies looks to the most recent, data-driven impact evaluation to formulate sound programs to advance progress. Read the full Public Policy Recommendations here.
Example: Components of the Strategy for Public Policy to Prevent & Treat Obesity
While targeted strategies shown to have impact will be much more cost-effective , the policy recommendations still require funding. In November 2022, SDGPI’s final contribution addressed this need by proposing methods to finance the programs best suited to Paraguay. Suggestions range from fiscal reforms and administrative measures to private financing and international support. Public-private partnerships, reducing tax evasion, instituting corrective taxes, and instituting corrective taxes, and closer engagement with organization like the World Bank could each contribute to funding policy interventions. Read the full report on financing here.
Types and Examples of Strategies to Finance Programs to Address SDG Gaps
Análisis del progreso de Paraguay en el cumplimiento de los ODS, enfocado en el área de investigación y desarrollo. Se proponen recomendaciones para impulsar la
Assessing Paraguay’s progress toward achieving the SDGs with a focus on research and development, along with recommendations to increase private sector participation and incentives, strengthen
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The SDGPI has been working closely with the Paraguayan government to evaluate their subnational progress towards the SDGs and design policy initiatives to fill the
Poor air quality in Paraguay is heavily localized with the majority of the affected populations living in only a few neighborhoods. A key goal of