Inequality within and among nations continues to be a significant concern despite progress in and efforts at narrowing disparities of opportunity, income and power. Income inequality continues to rise in many parts of the world, even as the bottom 40 per cent of the population in many countries has experienced positive growth rates. Greater emphasis will need to be placed on reducing inequalities in income as well as those based on other factors. Additional efforts are needed to increase zero-tariff access for exports from least developed countries and developing countries, and assistance to least developed countries and small island developing States.

Sundown Towns and Racial Exclusion: The Southern White Diaspora and the “Great Retreat”

Racial segregation is a pernicious feature of life across America. Urban economists and economic historians have studied the forces behind residential segregation, zoning, and housing inequity (e.g., Boustan, 2011; Logan…

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Widespread Race and Class Disparities in Surface Urban Heat Extremes Across the United States

Remotely sensed land surface temperature measurements are used to explore the distribution of the United States’ urban heating burden. Drawing on urban temperature anomalies during extreme summer surface temperature events…

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Poverty and Economic Dislocation Reduce Compliance with COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Protocols

Shelter-in-place ordinances were the first wide-spread policy measures aimed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Compliance with shelter-in-place directives is individually costly and requires behavioral changes across diverse sub-populations. Leveraging…

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