Inclusive and sustainable economic growth can drive progress and generate the means to implement the Sustainable Development Goals. Globally, labour productivity has increased and unemployment is back to pre-financial crisis levels. However, the global economy is growing at a slower rate. More progress is needed to increase employment opportunities, particularly for young people, reduce informal employment and the gender pay gap and promote safe and secure working environments to create decent work for all.

Reviving America’s Forgotten Innovation System: Fostering US Growth through Incremental Product and Process Innovation

Everyone in Washington agrees on the need to promote “innovation” to ensure economic prosperity. However, high levels of unemployment have eroded confidence in the ability of our innovation system to…

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The Effect of Pollution on Worker Productivity: Evidence from Call Center Workers in China

We investigate the effect of pollution on worker productivity in the service sector by focusing on two call centers in China. Using precise measures of each worker’s daily output linked…

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In the Eye of the Beholder: Institutions, Political Risk, and Emerging-Market Multinational Corporations

This paper argues that the strategies firms employ to cope with political risks in authoritarian countries are often, due to a lack of institutionalized political access and credible commitments in…

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Protecting Workers Abroad and Industries at Home: Rights-based Conditionality in Trade Preference Programs

A growing number of developed country governments link good governance, including human rights, to developing countries’ access to aid, trade, and investment. We consider whether governments enforce these conditions sincerely,…

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The Current Wave of State Enterprise Reform in China: A Preliminary Appraisal

State enterprise reforms are underway in China, and include some positive and overdue corporate governance reform. However, the potential effectiveness of the reforms is compromised by the attempt of policy-makers…

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