Academic Publications
“Heat-related mortality in Mexico: A multi-scale spatial analysis of extreme heat effects and municipality-level vulnerability,” with L. Schwarz, C. Chen, J.E. Castillo Quiñones, L.C. Aguilar-Dodier, K. Hansen, J. Reyes Sanchez, D. J.X. González, T. Benmarhnia, Environment International 195, 2025.
“Long-term health and human capital effects of in utero exposure to an industrial disaster: a spatial difference-in-differences analysis of the Bhopal gas tragedy“, with P. Bharadwaj, L. McDougal, A. Kaushik and A. Raj, BMJ Open, 2023; 13:e066733.
Selected coverage: Salon, Down To Earth, NPR, The Diplomat.
“A decentralized approach to model national and global food and land use systems,” with A. Mosnier et al., Environmental Research Letters 18, 2023.
“Contributions of healthier diets and agricultural productivity toward sustainability and climate goals in the United States,” with GC Wu, JS Baker, CM Wade, JE Fargione and P Havlik. Sustainability Science, 2022.
“Long-term pathways analysis to assess the feasibility of sustainable land-use and food systems in Mexico,” with C. Gonzalez-Abraham et al., Sustainability Science, 2022.
“How can diverse national food and land-use priorities be reconciled with global sustainability targets? Lessons from the FABLE initiative,” with A. Mosnier, G. Schmidt-Traub, M. Obersteiner, et al. Sustainability Science, 2022.
“Diversity and violence during conflict migration: The Troubles in Northern Ireland,” with Claire L. Adida, Joseph M. Brown and Paul McLachlan, Political Science Research and Methods, 2022: 1-17. [Replication data available here]
“Regional Research-Practice-Policy Partnerships in Response to Climate-Related Disparities: Promoting Health Equity in the Pacific,” with Lawrence A. Palinkas et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19: 9758, 2022.
“What Can We Learn from Nighttime Lights for Small Geographies? Measurement Errors and Heterogeneous Elasticities,” with Richard Bluhm, Remote Sensing 14(5), 2022. [Replication data available here]
“Nightlights and Subnational Economic Activity: Estimating Departmental GDP in Paraguay,” with Mario Rodriguez-Heredia,
Remote Sensing 14(5), 2022. [Replication data available here and predictions for subnational Paraguayan GDP available here]
“ENSO impacts child undernutrition in the global tropics,” with Jesse K. Anttila-Hughes, Amir S. Jina, Nature Communications, October 12, 2021.
Research summary from Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago.
Selected coverage: The Hill, France24, Yahoo! News, RFI News, Sveriges Radio (Sweden’s Radio),, Physics Today.
“Health Impacts of the Green Revolution: Evidence from 600,000 births across the Developing World,” with Ram Fishman, Prabhat Barnwal, Aaditya Dar, Nathan Mueller and Jan von der Goltz, Journal of Health Economics, Vol 24, Dec 2020. (Previous draft here)
“The impact of an insecticide-treated bednet campaign on all-cause child mortality: a geospatial impact evaluation from the Democratic Republic of Congo,” with Carrie Dolan, Ariel BenYishay, Karen A. Grépin, Jeffrey C. Tanner, April Kimmel and David Wheeler. PLOS ONE, February 22, 2019.
“The benefits of taxing cigarettes in middle income countries,” with Thomas E. Novotny. BMJ 2018, 361:k1433.
“Fertilizing Growth: Agricultural Inputs and their Effects in Economic Development,” with John W. McArthur, Journal of Development Economics, 127, 133-152, 2017. [Previous Brookings Global Economy & Development working paper here] [Replication data available here]
“A malaria ecology index predicted spatial and temporal variation of malaria burden and efficacy of antimalarial interventions based on African serological data,” with Jesse K. Anttila-Hughes, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 96(3), 616-623, 2017.
“Malaria Ecology, Child Mortality & Fertility,” with Dalton Conley and Jeffrey D. Sachs, Economics & Human Biology 24, 1-17, 2017. [Previous draft here]
“Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Integrating HIV and Nutrition Service Delivery: Pilots in Malawi and Mozambique,” with J.N. Bergmann, K. Legins, T.T. Sint, S. Snidal, UNICEF Working Group, and Y. Ben Amor. AIDS and Behavior 21(3), 703-711, 2017.
“Geographic Determinants of China’s Urbanization,” with Peter Christensen. Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 59, pp. 90-102, 2016.
“Malaria Ecology and Climate Change,” European Physics Journal, Vol. 225, Issue 3, pp. 459-470, May 2016.
“Physical Geography and the History of Economic Development,” with Jeffrey D. Sachs, Faith & Economics Vol. 66, pp. 11-43, Fall 2015.
“Deployment of Community Health Workers Across Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: Financial Considerations and Operational Assumptions,” with Anne Liu and Prabhjot Singh. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 91:244-253, 2012.
“Scaling Up Malaria Control in Africa: An Economic and Epidemiological Assessment,” (with Awash Teklehaimanot and Jeffrey D. Sachs), American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 77 (Suppl 6), December 2007.
“Ending Africa’s Poverty Trap,” (with Jeffrey D. Sachs, John W. McArthur, Guido Schmidt-Traub, Margaret Kruk, Chandrika Bahadur, and Michael Faye), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1:2004.
“Travel Time and Monetarization in Rural Peru,” The Harvard College Economist, Vol. 2 Issue 1, Spring 2002.
Invited Contributions
“GIS, Remote Sensing, and Lessons for Economic Development,” The Political Economist 25(1): 2019.
“Jordan” in the SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, 2nd ed. Mehmet Edekon, ed., SAGE Publications, 2015. [Download PDF]
“National Poverty Reduction Strategy” in the SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, 2nd ed. Mehmet Edekon, ed., SAGE Publications, 2015. [Download PDF]
“Extreme poverty,” with Jeffrey D. Sachs, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. [Download PDF]
“Regional development, geography of,” with Jeffrey D. Sachs, in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Second Edition. Eds. Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. [Download PDF]
“Understanding African Poverty: Beyond the Washington Consensus to the Millennium Development Goals Approach,” with Jeffrey D. Sachs and Wing Thye Woo, in Africa in the World Economy: The National, Regional, and International Challenges. Fondad: The Hague, 2005. [Download PDF]
Foreword (co-authored with Jeffrey D. Sachs) to Antezana, Oscar, La Reducción de la Pobreza: Un Proceso Político, Plural: La Paz, 2005.
“San Diego Regional Decarbonization Framework: Technical Report”, County of San Diego, California, 2022. [Full report] [Summary for Policy Makers]
“Potenciales fuentes de financiamiento de inversiones ODS” with Rodríguez Heredia M., Camperi G., Lascano D., SDSN. San Diego and Asunción, 2022. [Full report]
“Recomendaciones de políticas públicas” with Rodríguez Heredia M., Camperi G., Lascano D., SDSN. San Diego and Asunción, 2022. [Full report]
“Informe de Desarrollo Sostenible para Paraguay 2021” with Fuller G., Rodríguez Heredia M., Camperi G. Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Paris and Asunción, 2021. [Full report]
“Pathways to Sustainable Land-Use and Food Systems. 2020 Report of the FABLE Consortium.” Co-Authored Mexico and U.S. country chapters. Laxenburg and Paris: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). 2020. [Full report] [Executive Summary]
“America’s Zero Carbon Action Plan,” authored as part of The Zero Carbon Consortium and SDSN-USA, 2020. Lead author of chapter on “Accelerating Sustainable Land Use Practices in the U.S.” [Full report] [Executive Summary]
“SDG Costing & Financing for Low-Income Developing Countries,” authored as part of SDSN Costing and Financing team, September 2019.
“Pathways to Sustainable Land-Use and Food Systems: 2019 Report of the FABLE Consortium.” Co-Authored Mexico and U.S. country chapters. Laxenburg and Paris: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). 2019. [Full report] [Executive Summary]
“One Million Community Health Workers: Technical Task Force Report,” The Earth Institute, Columbia University, 2011.Infom
“The Value of Monitoring for Disaster Prevention: The Desert Locust,” with Josephine Gantois, Anouch Missirian, Evelina Linnros, Anna Tompsett, Amir Jina and Eyal Frank.
“Spatiotemporal co-distribution and time lagged cross correlation of Malaria and Dengue in Loreto, Peru” with Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar, Paloma M. Carcamo, Samantha R. Kaplan, Jesus M. Quispe, and Tarik Benmarhnia
Resting Papers
“The Timing of Diffusion of Modern Economic Growth,” with Jeffrey D. Sachs.
“Ecological Modeling of Hookworm Burden under Climate Change” with Karl Rubio.
“Development, Structure, and Transformation: Some Evidence on Comparative Economic Growth,” with Jeffrey D. Sachs. NBER Working Paper 19512, October 2013.
“Africa’s Lagging Demographic Transition: Evidence from Exogenous Impacts of Malaria Ecology and Agricultural Technology,” with Dalton Conley and Jeffrey D. Sachs. National Bureau of Economics Research Working Paper No. 12892. February 2007.
Datasets and replication files for published papers are under “Publications”
Malaria Ecology Index from Kiszewski et al (2004) in raster format for GIS.
Population at risk of malaria over time (used in Conley, McCord and Sachs [2007]). Country-level data in Stata format.