Long-term health and human capital effects of in utero exposure to an industrial disaster: a spatial differencein-differences analysis of the Bhopal gas tragedy

Gordon McCord along with other researchers from UCSD coauthored a study that shows intergenerational impacts of the BGD, showing that men who were in utero at the time were more…

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Contributions of healthier diets and agricultural productivity toward sustainability and climate goals in the United States

Meeting ambitious climate targets will require deploying the full suite of mitigation options, including those that indirectly reduce greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions. Healthy diets have sustainability co-benefits by directly reducing livestock…

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Long-term pathways analysis to assess the feasibility of sustainable land-use and food systems in Mexico

Mexico aims to develop highly productive and sustainable food systems that ensure national self-sufficiency. This paper employs an integrated land-use modeling tool—the FABLE Calculator—to estimate the degree of policy ambition…

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