With rising greenhouse gas emissions, climate change is occurring at rates much faster than anticipated and its effects are clearly felt worldwide. While there are positive steps in terms of the climate finance flows and the development of nationally determined contributions, far more ambitious plans and accelerated action are needed on mitigation and adaptation. Access to finance and strengthened capacities need to be scaled up at a much faster rate, particularly for least developed countries and small island developing States.

Constructing roads connected labour markets but increased harmful crop fires in rural India

The paper explores the unexpected consequences of road construction projects in rural India. While constructing roads to connect labor markets in remote areas is often seen as a positive development,…

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Naming and shaming as a strategy for enforcing the Paris Agreement: The role of political institutions and public concern

This study addresses the intricate issue of enforcing international cooperation, with a primary focus on climate change agreements like the Paris Agreement. It delves into the concept of "naming and…

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The health costs of dirty energy: Evidence from the capacity market in Colombia

This paper investigates the health impacts of fossil fuel-driven energy production by exploiting a unique Colombian electricity pricing policy. This policy triggers increased thermal energy production when wholesale electricity prices…

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Contributions of healthier diets and agricultural productivity toward sustainability and climate goals in the United States

Meeting ambitious climate targets will require deploying the full suite of mitigation options, including those that indirectly reduce greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions. Healthy diets have sustainability co-benefits by directly reducing livestock…

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Long-term pathways analysis to assess the feasibility of sustainable land-use and food systems in Mexico

Mexico aims to develop highly productive and sustainable food systems that ensure national self-sufficiency. This paper employs an integrated land-use modeling tool—the FABLE Calculator—to estimate the degree of policy ambition…

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Read more about the article San Diego Regional Decarbonization Framework
Before sunrise solar power plants

San Diego Regional Decarbonization Framework

The Regional Decarbonization Framework (RDF) anchors the San Diego region in emerging best practices from across the nation and globally. It charts science–based, feasible pathways toward expeditious deep decarbonization, proposing…

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